Coffee is our passion. We have spent the last 12 years roasting and selling the finest coffees, always following great care, diligence and attention to detail. We believe that our coffee is of the highest quality and flavour, and we make it our priority to ensure that it is fresh and always fresh. We are a small, local roasting company, focusing on quality and care. We love our clients and strive to make each and every one of them feel like family. Our coffee is our passion, and we think that passion is one of the most important things about coffee.

Nous travaillons avec des produits locaux et de saison. Pour cela, nos menus changent régulièrement et s’adaptent au fil des saisons.
David Jourdan, chef du restaurant.

Menu du bistroquet

19 €

Menu du bosseur

13 €

Menu de la dame

32 € ?

Ce menu est servi midi et soir.

Ce menu est servi uniquement

les midis.

Ce menu est servi midi et soir.